DWE QGroundControl Official Release

Hi everyone!

We have released the first official version of our fork to allow multiple cameras to be viewed on QGroundControl!

Below is an image of the multi-cam video setup (without videos streaming):

You can also find more info on our documentation site at:

as well as download from our GitHub release page:

Feel free to reply to this topic with additional questions, concerns, or anything related to DWE QGroundControl.

We look forward to hearing your feedback! :smiley:


Amazing work @Brandon! This will be a great feature for multi-cam setups!

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The DWEQGroundControl i mainly working pretty good, and its really nice to have several camera streams implemented in one software!

I have one improvement idea for your DWEQGroundControl. When Camera Streams are edited or added in the BlueOS interface, DWEQGC does not always automatically update the video streams (streams that I have edited in BlueOS freezes). I need to manually go into application settings and adjust the UDP ports, then it updates the streams showed.