Room for only one raspberry pi, need BlueOS, Is there a DWE software to use

I have a project that allows for only one compute device, it’s relatively small volume. I need BlueOS for navigation, but am interested in more than one DWE camera.
Is there software instead of DWE-OS image that I can install on BlueOS to provide the camera control?

Would this be via install of another Docker container?

All help is welcome.


Never mind. After some investigation, I found the Docker that can be run on RPi.
Works as expected.

Thanks for the great products.


Hi Mark,

I am trying to do the same. Do you have any info on how to do this?

Many thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards,


you can download the DWE OS as a Docker container.

This will run in parallel with BlueOS.
What I did is shut off the BlueOS Camera-Manager.
I did this by writing a rule in crontab to locate and terminate the manager.

Then the DWE OS has full control of the cameras.

Seems to work. My only complaint was that the DWE OS did not ensure that
the cameras will always be enumerated in the same order.
I now only wanted to have all cameras, but I also wanted to know, programmatically what camera they were.

That, I am still working out.